Jeannie and Wonder Woman spend the afternoon watching a television show about…themselves?
Grateful that Batman saved him from the donut pirates, Elvis shares his delicious snack with the […]
Batman arrives just in time to save Elvis and defeat the donut pirates. As a thank […]
Donut pirates show up to steal Elvis’ donuts!
Ralphie meets another of his heroes—Batman!
Frankenstein’s Monster gets upset when he can’t beat Superman’s high score, so he knocks over the […]
Frankenstein’s Monster and Ralphie take turns playing Pac-Man, trying to beat Superman’s high score.
Frankenstein’s Monster mediates a discussion between Superman and Bizarro.
Bernie Sanders visits a surprised Elvis and Frankenstein’s Monster. Where will Bernie turn up next?
Can Elvis and the boys defeat KISS? Stay tuned to find out!
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